Blog / The Art of Failure

a blue horse
Based on my painting - Blue Hourse
The story of the blue horse, or otherwise: The Art of Failure.

This beautiful canvas was given to me by Julie. One of the largest I've had so far. So this time I decided to create something positive, a horse. A horse sounds cool, but for me it's damn hard to paint (like everything). I wanted to paint a horse that would be barely visible, kind of like in a fog. That kind of carelessness. And I painted it and I absolutely did not like what came out. I gave up this "masterpiece". No time, no strength, no motivation... f#$%^$ Mrs. D, kept me away from painting. After many, many days when I really had no strength left I went to my garage, to my "studio". I just wanted to reset, to cut off everything that was sitting on my back. And this unfortunate horse was looking at me and mocking me. This time I just wanted to "smear" play with colors. It wasn't supposed to be something beautiful, it wasn't supposed to be something great. It was supposed to be therapy, a blurring of failure. It worked, and the new horse is one of my favorite paintings of mine.

So here was the story of the blue horse. A therapeutic experience for me. Just letting go and at the same time turning a sense of failure into something positive and cool. And that's what I wish for everyone.