Blog / Beginnings

A fairy
A fairy | by me.

I like the idea of a blog. The place where I can freely drop and left some of my thoughts. I am not saying that they would have any value for anyone, but if someone will find them interesting / funny / inspiring you welcome and thank you. In fact if anyone every will even find them it will be great. When I was thinking about the very first entry for this blog I took a piece of a screen and bullet-pointed what I would like to say.

I have to admit there were points that don’t get well together. One of them was: “Should I translate my old entries?” And here I will take a little break and the opportunity to explain this blog entry’s title: ‘Beginnings’.

This is my seventh private webpage and with every page I have ever done there is always a question: ‘how to begin?’

Ok let’s go one step back.

Someone could ask: ‘Why make another page not change an old one?’. At least I asked myself this question several times and the answer is always the same, but let me ask a different question: ‘Why paint another paint not correct an old one?’ or ‘Why to write new story not correct a previous one, or write yet another song?’ The 42 answer is: To create. For me, as for a software developer, creating a webpage is way to express myself, to learn (yes even after those many, many years during making this page I’ve learn a lot), to practice and make better and better (ok sometimes worst, but still..).

I always have kind of blog, sometimes it was called ‘words’, sometimes a blog, but all my previous pages where in my mother tongue not in English. This time I have decided to have webpage in English. Why? This will be another story.

So I have not yet decided what form will take this blog. I know that I should add at least two more posts, because that webpage was design for at least three posts.

I wish you all to have fun whatever you are doing as I have making my page.