Blog / Testing is Doing

In that book there was a girl who had some trouble in the school and her mum took her to a doctor, I think to the psychologist or something... As you can see I don't remember exactly, but... I will try to give you those little pieces that I have in my mind to explain what I want to say.
So at some point the doctor said to that girl that he wants to talk with her mother alone, so if she doesn't mind they will leave her in the office and they will go to another room to talk... When they were leaving the office the doctor turn on the radio... They went to the room next to the office. This room had a Venetian mirror. They start watching that girl. As soon as they left doctor's office she started to dance... The doctor said: 'Madam your daughter is not sick she is a dancer'. My mum took me to the Ballet School (oh I just recalled, in this book author interview famous people to ask them how they get where they were, and this girl was very famous ballet dancer. This is why I switched to the 'My mum '-point-of-speaking, and now I will continue as that girl). So my mum instead of putting me under the pills she took me to the Ballet School. It was like a paradise, I was surrounded by people like me, who had to move to think...
And this blog entry is like that. I want to develop new feature for this page, but I think better when I am doing things and this is a little the same with painting. Sometimes I like just to start to paint and see what will come from that... So this entry is to test a gallery component... for now it does not working...
And the image for this entry is just almost random one.
You see and the images are working now... only gallery left..
And now a gallery works, I can add gallery preview in blog and also as the link to separated page.. like this: Sonja's Mural